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60 Seconds with a Distribution Engineer!
Are you considering a career in Engineering, but not sure of all the different roles within the industry? Hear from Distribution Engineer, Tom! We asked him some quick fire questions about his job, so you can learn a bit more about the field, what he studied at School that lead him there, and what his […]
Read moreApprenticeships or University? What is the right option for you?
Leaving school and having to decide what to do next can be very daunting for many. So, whether you are considering an apprenticeship, going down the university route or are just confused about your options after school, college or sixth form then Pathway CTM can help! This blog post is here to explain to you […]
Read moreSit down with our CEO, Chris McNamara!
As we enter a new academic year what better way to kick off the year than with an exclusive interview with our CEO and Founder, Chris McNamara. We have grabbed time out of his busy schedule to give you an insight into why he decided to launch Pathway CTM and what you can expect from us over the next few months *you […]
Read moreProperty Needs You – Careers in the built environment
Property Needs You is a collaboration of 12 of the UK’s largest Real Estate companies, our aim is to raise awareness of the different careers available in property and the built environment and offer people the chance to understand more about the industry through work experience and internships. When you talk about a career in […]
Read moreMeet Oxford Biomedica!
Who are we? Oxford Biomedica (OXB) is a pioneer of gene and cell therapy with 20 years of experience in the field. OXB’s mission is delivering life changing gene therapies to patients. Our novel gene-based medicines and other collaborative development products have the potential to transform treatment prospects, thus improving the quality and duration of […]
Read moreSpotlight on: ICAEW
WHO ARE THE ICAEW They are one of the world’s leading providers of training and professional development for accountants. Through the ICAEW, aspiring leaders and business professionals can take a qualification called the ACA and become ICAEW Chartered Accountants. It’s their job to support trainees during their training and make sure that their potential becomes […]
Read moreIt is about time we had some positive news!
I hope this blog reaches you well; specifically, teachers, Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Teams and those supporting the work of the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC). In light of the year we have had and challenges all have faced, I felt it was important to share some positive stories regarding some of the work we […]
Read more10 Covid-friendly Things To Do This Autumn
Autumn is well and truly underway and, according to the Met Office, it is officially here to stay until 21st December. As we all know by now, everything about this year has to be a little bit different and that seemed doable in Summer when we were able to meet up outside without the wind […]
Read moreCovid and moving into a new virtual world…
Students want engaging, inspiring and relatable experiences. Teachers want meaningful encounters and online interaction for their students. Employers want to do good and are starting to use volunteers within their businesses more effectively to provide these opportunities for our young people. Accessing a career never felt more accessible!
Read moreWays You Can Make Money over a Summer in Lockdown
I get it: you might have been put on furlough, made redundant or your summer placement may have been cancelled. Or perhaps you’re just looking for a way to make quality use of your summer when you’re not enjoying the sun, or even whilst you’re doing so. There are so many ways that you can […]
Read morePositive things to do this summer
Written by Katy Sheridan School is nearly over for the year, or it has been for a while if you were meant to be taking your A-levels, and you have a long summer holiday ahead. I’m sure many of you will be rushing out in this lovely weather for picnics with friends you haven’t seen […]
Read moreMy Journey As A Digital and Technology Degree Apprentice at IBM
Meet Allaina Santosh, undertaking a Digital and Technology Degree Apprenticeship with IBM, and a member of the Pathway CTM Student Advisory Board. Here she gives a snapshot into her life as an apprentice. Interviewed by Krishna Solanki. Could you go into some detail about what you generally do during the day as a Digital and Technology […]
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