How to prepare for A-level Results Day!
Wednesday 10th Aug 2022

Are you excited for A-level results day? Hmm, maybe not… I suspect you even rolled your eyes as you read that, feeling nervous is probably more the vibe!
Well, either way after you have read this blog post and have taken some action you will be prepared no matter what the outcome is!
So let’s jump straight into it and think about all your options!
After your a-levels there are four main routes people tend to take:
• university
• an apprenticeship
• a gap year
• or full-time employment.
The BIG question I am asking you is are you happy with the route you have chosen?
Yes? Great, skip to the next section! (Preparing for the worst-case scenario!)
No? Right, now you need to think about what you could do instead.
• If it is the university or apprenticeship you are unsure about, have you looked at others?
• If it is the subject you are studying, what other things grab your attention?
• If you’re just not sure what to do next, have you considered a gap year to work things out?
These are pretty big questions to think about so try mind mapping them or talking to others!
Preparing for the worst-case scenario:
Before we delve into this a little shoutout to all the overthinkers out there just to say that even if you don’t get the results you hoped for it is not the end of the world and there are always options!
So let’s get thinking about how we can prepare:
1. If you want to go to university, make a list of other unis you could go to that have lower entry requirements, and most importantly get their clearing phone numbers so on the day you are ready to go!
2. If it is the apprenticeship route you want to take have a look at other apprenticeships that are available and are accepting people with lower grades. Also, see if the apprenticeship you applied for would take you on in a lower band so you can work your way up.
3. Think about whether you would consider retaking any of the A-levels you sat.
4. Finally, think about if you would take a gap year to get work experience and therefore boost your uni/apprenticeship application for next year.
Speaking to people can help:
Speak to your family and friends or speak to us!
Sometimes hearing different perspectives or views can really help you make a decision.
We are here if you want to chat before A-level results day and even after you have opened that envelope.
Finally, relax:
There is no point working yourself up over something you can’t change! Look after yourself over the next week and do fun things to keep your mind distracted!
Good Luck!